Monday, August 13, 2007

Just to get by...

It's the last week. Yes it is. I'm happy. I do love it here in Ghana but I miss home and the family and the friends and the stress of life and school. I probably won't feel that way when I get there though. It's crazy to imagine that in 5 days I'll be back in the states. Where did all the time go?


this past weekend was sort of busy. Friday we headed back to the Carvers village and of course I made some more purchases. After the village though we visited another village in Medina. They were expecting us and the some women had prepared dances and songs and games. It was a beautiful affair. They were dressed in very colorful and beautiful traditional attire and they had make up and paint on. They looked so pretty. They stole my heart and so did the children. They kept inviting us up to dance and sing with them and I went up numerous times. I even have the pictures to prove it.

We donated clothes and money to them before we left and they were so happy.

Saturday we headed to the Homowa festival in Jamestown/Ushertown. It means "hooting at hunger." A long time ago they started it to celebrate the end of the drought/famine. We walked around and saw a bunch of old buildings and then we followed different chiefs around. The actual king didn't come out because apparently there were death threats out for him.

Sunday was an early day. We left around 7:30 a.m. to head for the Volta River (the largest man-made lake in the world). We arrived and got on this huge boat and then sailed on the river till we arrived at this island. Once was much of the same. Brown people like me asking/begging for anything.... It breaks my heart every time.

This trip has definitely changed my world view and world plans. I need to leave this wretched/beautiful lace until I have a better plan.

It will get better though and we will continue to get by...

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