Monday, July 23, 2007

La Pleasure Beach: I want to go to Africa

The beach...

we went to this beach a little while ago. It was called "La Pleasure" beach. And, it sure was that. I haven't been in the water in a beach in years. Like, maybe almost a decade, but, something about being at the beach in Ghana gave me the motivation I needed to plunge in...

and that I did. It was interesting and cold. There were so many brown people there. It was like this beautiful sea of brown...literally. Of course there were the usual tourist Obruni's (Ghanaian term for white people) but it was okay. Actually, no it wasn't. It's like I wanted to go to Africa to get away from that white/elitist mess and it's still here. Like, damn. Can we get anywhere on this planet? Shit, I still want to go to Africa...

someone help me find it...

you know what I mean, real Africa, without the white folks and capitalism and materialism and permed hairs and pain,

no more pain and suffering and poverty and disease. Just well-to-do people who are looking to love and grow. I want to go to Africa. I want to go right now.

Oh yeah, back to the was fun that is until the men starting acting up. People were getting groped and roped in the water. I guess something about the water makes people think that they can get away with sexual assault. I don't know...

I smoked with some people and there were horses. Just like I remember in Nigeria...craziness. I didn't ride any. I didn't feel like being completely transformed back there, I'm not ready for those memories yet...

nope, not yet.

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